- You do not have to buy items 2 items when they are BOGO, they will each ring up half price. You can use coupons on both items.
- Most Kroger stores will double coupons up to $.50.
- Kroger will NOT accept competitor coupons.
- Kroger does have Catalina machines at the cash registers, so you can take advantage of Catalina deals there.
- Kroger accepts electronic coupons, so load them to your shopper card before you go. The sites that offer electronic coupons are Shortcuts, P&G, Cellfire, and Kroger. As of right now, you can use an electronic coupon and a paper coupon on one item.
- Kroger will accept IP's (internet printable coupons); however most won't accept IP's for FREE items or those with a value over $5. Some stores are beginning to limit the number of IP's to 2 per like item, so if you're stocking up you may need to shop in a few transactions.